Make Self Signed SSl with .csr existing file

By -

Here's how you can create a new self-signed certificate using your existing .csr file and private key in shell:

1. Generate the self-signed certificate:

openssl x509 -req -in your_csr_file.csr -days 365 -signkey your_private_key.key -out your_certificate.pem


  • openssl x509: This command tells OpenSSL to create a new certificate.

  • -req: This specifies that you are providing a certificate signing request (CSR).

  • -in your_csr_file.csr: This specifies the path to your existing .csr file.

  • -days 365: This specifies the validity period of the certificate in days. Change this value as needed.

  • -signkey your_private_key.key: This specifies the path to your existing private key file.

  • -out your_certificate.pem: This specifies the output file for the self-signed certificate.

2. (Optional) Set a password for the certificate:

openssl rsa -in your_private_key.key -des3 -out your_encrypted_private_key.pem


  • openssl rsa: This command tells OpenSSL to encrypt your private key.

  • -in your_private_key.key: This specifies the path to your existing private key file.

  • -des3: This specifies the encryption algorithm to use (3DES).

  • -out your_encrypted_private_key.pem: This specifies the output file for the encrypted private key.

3. Copy the certificate and key files to the appropriate locations.

The location where you need to copy the files depends on the application you are using the certificate for. For example, for Apache web server, you might need to copy the certificate to the /etc/ssl/certs directory and the private key to the /etc/ssl/private directory.

4. Restart your application.

The changes will not take effect unless you restart your application.


  • Make sure you keep your private key secret. If someone gains access to your private key, they can impersonate you and decrypt your communications.

  • Self-signed certificates are not trusted by browsers and other applications by default. You will need to manually install the certificate on any devices that need to trust it.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • You can change the validity period of the certificate using the -days option.

  • You can specify a subject alternative name (SAN) for the certificate using the -subj option.

  • You can use a different encryption algorithm for the private key by changing the -des3 option.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


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