What is python global variable and how to we use it?
In python does not have specific method to declare variable
For creating Variable in python
we just create name of variable and assign the value like int ,string, float
for assign int we just use equal and for string we have to use double quote ""
and for float using number with decimal
like this
var1 = 23
var2 = "MyName"
var3 = 45.5
here we create three python variable with different data types and this is method of creating global variable because its not inside any function or block
What is global variable
In python that variable is outside of any function and declare alone is global variable.
So that we can use this with any function without passing reference.
Example -
outsidevar = 23
def oufunc():
How to declare block Variable into global
For this we are using global keyword
def oufunc():
global var2
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